JavaScript Properties

In this article
Bracket Notation for Properties 
Using Descriptors property 
Writable attribute 
Using Enumerabe Attribute 
Useing Configurable Attribute 
Using get and set 

1 - Bracket Notation for Properties

You can access property by using object followed by its property like this:
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
// use object followed by property

document.write( // output Ahmed

Or by using bracket notation like this:
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
// bracket notation

document.write(employee['name']) // output Ahmed

Also you can define a new property like this:
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
//assign new property
employee['lastName'] = 'Saad';
// bracket notation

document.write(employee['lastName']) // output Saad

2 - Using Descriptors property

Beside name and value every property has a property Descriptor.
Use property Descriptor to see attributes of that property.
Every property has attributes value , writable , enumerable and configurable attributes and by default it's all set to true.
You can see attributes by looping over Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() property like this:
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
// looping over Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
for (var property in Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(employee, 'name')) {
    document.write(property + ' ' + Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(employee, 'name')[property])
//value Ahmed
//writable true
//enumerable true

//configurable true

3 - Writable attribute

You can use writable attribute to define whether the value of property can be changed from initial value or not.
You can change the value of writable attribute by using Object.defineProperty() like this :
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'name', { writable: false });
//trying to alter name
employee['name'] = 'Saad'
//If you go to developer tools in your browser you will see error like this
// " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of #<Object> "

// Note : you have to use 'use strict'

You can not apply non-writable property if a property contains an object , you can use Object.freeze() instead like this :
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: {
        firstName: 'Ahmed',
        lastName: 'Saad'
    salary: '5000'
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'name', { writable: false });
//trying to alter name.lastName = 'Salah'
document.write(; //Output Salah
//trying to alter name.lastName = 'Saad';
//If you go to developer tools in your browser you will see error like this
// "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'lastName' of #<Object> "

// Note : you have to use 'use strict'

4 - Using Enumerabe Attribute

You can prevent property from being looping by setting enumerable attribute to false like this:

Note : If you set enumerable attribute to false it will affect when you try to serialize object to JSON
'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: 'Ahmed',
    salary: '5000'
// looping over Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
for (var property in employee) {
    document.write(property + ' ' + employee[property])
    document.write(' ')

//Output value Ahmed , salary 5000

//new line

Object.defineProperty(employee, 'name', { enumerable: false });
for (var property in employee) {
    document.write(property + ' ' + employee[property])

} //Output salary 5000

4 - Useing Configurable Attribute

Configurable Attribute can prevent an attribute from being changed or any property from being deleted from the object.
Use Object.defineProperty(Object, 'property' , {configurable : false}) to set value to false.

5 - Using get and set

You can use get and set to set or return value by using a function like this

'use strict'
var employee = {

    name: {
        firstName: 'Ahmed',
        lastName: 'Saad'
    salary: '5000'
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'fullName', {
    get: function () {
        return + ' ' +
document.write(employee.fullName) //output Ahmed Saad

// Note you can use same technique for set to set new value